Phyllis Geans

Port Arthur Independent School District

As Assistant Superintendent of Operations (Chief Operations Officer), Phyllis Geans is responsible for administrative direction for all support services of the school district. This oversight includes services such as facility planning, construction, custodial services, maintenance, energy management, disaster recovery, safety management, shipping & receiving, child nutrition, technology, and transportation services. As the COO, she is responsible for actualizing the goals of the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent through district-wide planning, direction, program initiatives, benchmarking, and continuous improvement. Prior to holding this position with the district, Ms. Geans was the Assistant Superintendent for Business & Finance from February 2007 until May 2023. Ms. Geans held the position of Budget Director for Lamar University prior to joining the PAISD team. She retired from Entergy Texas in December 2004 as the Business & Operations Manager reporting to CEO Joe Domino. She enjoyed a 26-year career at Entergy. Ms. Geans earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Arkansas in 1985 and her Master of Arts degree in Information Systems Management from Webster University in 1991. She became a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in 1988 and graduated from the Wharton/Entergy Executive Program in 2002. Outside of PAISD, Asst. Superintendent Geans has shared her talents in various capacities throughout the community. Among the organizations that have received her support are the American Red Cross, March of Dimes and the Cystic Fibrosis Association. She was recognized by the Beaumont YWCA in 2000 for her outstanding service and was the Beaumont Habitat for Humanity 2002 Barry F. Long Award recipient for Outstanding Volunteer. Asst. Superintendent Geans is a 2002 graduate of Leadership Southeast Texas and has held several positions on the advisory council, including Alumni Chair. She is now serving as the Asst Treasurer/Secretary for the newly-formed advisory council/governing board. Ms. Geans was a member of the Lone Star Investment Pool Advisory Board from March 2010-March 2022. She also served as the Vice Chair for this Advisory Board from 2019 to 2021. Ms. Geans was on the board and finance committee for the Southeast Texas Nonprofit Development Center where she was the Finance Chair. In 2021, she became a member of the Foundation for Southeast Texas Board and is also serving on its Finance Committee.
The Foundation financially supports and subscribes to the seen and unseen needs of nonprofits in Southeast Texas by encouraging invested donors to look forward by giving back.